New Bank Loans Revive Controversial Ilisu Dam Project in Turkey

The Turkish government plans to move forward with the dam despite international opposition.

Bangladeshi Prime Minister Presses India for Water Deal During Visit

No agreement was signed, but Bangladesh continued to push for a deal similar to the Ganges Treaty.

Water Projects Emphasized in $7.5 Billion-U.S. Aid Package to Pakistan

Improved irrigation systems and water infrastructure projects are primary goals.

Mumbai Restricts Water Use, Fueling Protests

A below-average monsoon has brought government-imposed limits on water use and public anger in Mumbai, a city that already faces low water levels.

Climate Negotiations Must Consider Water and Energy Together, IWA Says

Water policy and energy policy must be integrated, according to the International Water Association

Water Becomes a Pawn In Central Asian Energy Dispute

Uzbekistan exits the regional energy grid and Tajikistan vows to complete world's tallest dam.

India’s Leaders Argue Over River Linking Plan

Attempts to mitigates drought and climate change in India by connecting its northern and southern rivers.

Changing Climate Complicates Central Asian Water Management

Glacier mass in Kyrgyzstan’s Tien Shan Mountains decreased 20 percent in the last 50 years, mostly in the last two decades.

China Resettles 300,000 for Plans to Redirect Water to Combat Drought

Nearly 1.5 million people in the Hunan and Guangdong provinces have reported drinking water shortages.

Melting Glaciers Changing Europe’s Energy Outlook

What happens when a dependable source of clean, renewable energy becomes unreliable?

Venezuela to Ration Water Because of Low El Nino Rainfall

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez urged citizens to cutback on showering time as the country’s electric and water supply problems mount.

Dams Demolished, Rivers Revived

Dam decommissioning accelerates in the Pacific Northwest.