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The Stream, March 26: Water Spills From Oil Sands Project in Canada

Canada Oil Sands An unknown volume of water has been released…

Study: Shale Gas Fracking Taints Rivers in Pennsylvania

Though groundwater gets most of the attention, rivers are also affected by the rush of shale gas development across the United States, according to a new study that claims both wastewater and well development degrade water quality, but in different ways.
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The Stream, March 8: Disputes Over Dams, Rivers, and Groundwater

Water Disputes China is once again eying the Nu River (Salween…
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The Stream, February 18: Ethiopia’s Planned Nile River Dam Could Affect Water Supply for Millions

Ethiopia is building a dam that will give the country control…
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The Stream, February 15: Drugs in the Water Change Wildlife Behavior

Fish and Pharmaceuticals A new study in Sweden found that the…
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The Stream, February 13: Balancing the Needs of Water Stakeholders

United States In his State of the Union address yesterday, President…
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The Stream, February 12: International Year of Water Cooperation Launches

UNESCOPRESS reported yesterday from Paris where the ceremony…
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The Stream, February 6: Lake Michigan Water Levels at Record Lows

Americas Water levels on Lake Michigan and Lake Huron have reached…

Map: China’s Provincial Energy Production (1997-2010)

Click through the interactive infographic to see how China, the…
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The Stream, January 30: After Cyclone, Water Supplies Tight in Brisbane

Storms spawned by Tropical Cyclone Oswald created "record turbidity…
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Nebraska Farmers Dismayed by Governor’s Endorsement of New Oil Pipeline Route

Despite a new route, farmers still worry about groundwater contamination and property rights.
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The Stream, January 18: The Xayaburi Dam, Water Rationing, and Argentine Corn

Rivers Vietnam and Cambodia urged Laos to halt its controversial…