The Stream, January 14: Texas Legislators Focus on Water Issues

Texas' state water infrastructure was a frequent topic of discussion…

Amid Roaring Demand, A U.S. City Plans to Triple Water Rates for Oil and Gas Customers

The recent oil and gas boom in the United States has been good…

The Stream, January 3: Snowpack Looks Good for California Water Supply

California The first measure of Sierra Nevada snowpack in 2013…

The Stream, January 2: Pollution, Flooding & the Safety of Bottled Water

Pollution A pig farm in the Chinese town of Houtonglong has…

Isabella Bovolo

Guyana means “land of many waters” in a native Amerindian…

China’s Water Reserves and World’s Warming Atmosphere Wait For Natural Gas Breakthrough

China’s deep shale reserves are treacherous to tap and slow to develop.

The Stream, November 28: Studying Water in the Urban Ecosystem

Scientists are beginning to study the ecological function of…

The Stream, November 27: Doha Climate Talks Commence

Monday marked the first day of talks among the in Doha, Qatar…

U.S. and Mexico Sign Major Deal on Colorado River Issues: Delta Restoration, Infrastructure, Water Sharing

The agreement marks a turn in Colorado River management. Senior…

The Stream, November 14: Flooding Hits Rome

Extreme Weather Suburbs, towns and farms outside of Rome flooded…

First Time Key Global Energy Report Highlights Water Constraints of Energy Production

Energy is becoming a thirstier resource, the report states. Photo…

2012 Election Guide: Obama and Romney Say Little About Water, But Important Decisions Await Voters

One week from today, on the first Tuesday in November, American voters will not only choose their representatives. In many states and cities, those casting ballots will also make decisions about their water supply.