The Stream, April 3: Mega Water Projects in Asia

India's proposed mega project to link more than 30 rivers and…

The Stream, March 30: Great Lakes Water Levels

A new report by a U.S.-Canadian advisory panel recommends against…

The Stream, March 26: Tighter Rules for Coal Seam Gas in Australia?

South Australia has become the third Australian state to agree…

The Stream, March 23: Water Security Is National Security

Water scarcity will likely create conflict in regions around…

The Stream, March 20: Connecting the Dots Between Water Stress and Food Prices

Hydropower and Water Security Two of the world's biggest energy…
Map: Major Hydropower in China

Map: Major Hydropower in China

China is pushing its renewable energy agenda by investing in hydropower. By 2015, the Chinese government expects that its installed capacity from hydropower will amount to 300,000 megawatts, thus reducing the nation's reliance on fossil fuels.

The Stream, March 14: South Africa’s Water Gap

South Africa could face a 17 percent gap between water supply…

The Stream, March 13: South American Gold Rush Triggers Worries Over Water

What are "social-environmental" conflicts? Why are mining projects…

Fossil Fuel Boom Shakes Ohio, Spurring Torrent of Investment and Worry Over Water

Ohio’s shale oil and gas fortunes point up. By Keith…

The Stream, March 8: Damming the Mekong

Dams on the tributaries of the Mekong River could have a bigger…

The Stream, March 2: Where Did The Brahmaputra River’s Water Go?

As water levels dropped three meters (10 feet) in India's Brahmaputra…

The Stream, February 29: Water Struggles At Fukushima

Asia Water is essential for keeping Japan's damaged Fukushima…