The Stream, January 27: Water Pollution Strikes Chinese River

Levels of cadmium, a carcinogen, measured 20 percent higher than…

The Stream, January 26: The Shale Boom and the Economy

The International Energy Agency will make shale gas recommendations…

State of the Union: New Economics of Energy Production Tilts Obama’s “All-of-the-Above” Strategy One Way

In the era of deficit and disinvestment, water-intensive fossil fuel production is overwhelming the water-sipping clean energy sector.

The Stream, January 25: Milk, Arsenic and Mexico’s Water

Arsenic Arsenic is tainting freshwater supplies in Mexico's…

The Stream, January 23: Chevron Appeals $18 Billion Amazon Pollution Fine

Chevron has filed an appeal with Ecuador's Supreme Court to review…

The Stream, January 20: Mongolia’s Mining Boom

Vast mineral wealth and growing demand from China are driving…
Tar Sands Map

Obama Administration to Reject Keystone XL Pipeline

However, the company building the pipeline will be invited to re-appl,y after finding a new route through Nebraska, according to a government official.

The Stream, January 16: Asian Carp

Lake Erie and some of its biggest tributary rivers have just…

The Stream, January 13: Water Pollution Looms In Lake Titicaca

Growing urban populations, poor infrastructure and unenforced…

Update: China Completes Tunnel Under Yellow River for South-North Water Transfer Project

China is on target to begin transferring water from the Yangtze River Basin to Hebei, Shandong, and Tianjin by 2013.

The Stream, January 9: China Moves Forward With South-North Water Transfer Project

China has completed the tunnel under the Yellow River for the…

Ecuador and Oil: Chevron Loses Court Appeal Against $18 Billion Amazon Pollution Fine

Closing in on nearly two decades in court, this "David and Goliath"…