Water China Energy

The Stream, May 19: Arctic Waters

A leaked draft of the official strategy for the Arctic reveals…

Infographic: China Leads Top 10 Coal Producing and Consuming Nations

Since 2000, global coal consumption has grown faster than any other fuel, with the biggest market for coal in Asia. Although China tops the global list for both coal consumption and production, the nation has emerged as the world's leading builder of clean coal technology.

Infographic: Three Types of Coal Mining — Process and Facts

Opencast mining involves scraping at the ground's surface, while room and pillar mining occurs below ground. Likewise, longwall mining uses heavy machinery to dig at coal seams beneath the surface: learn more in this interactive inforgraphic.
Water China Energy

The Stream, May 11: Damming Patagonia

In the wake of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, Japan has announced…
Water China Energy

The Stream, May 10: Land Grabs

Concerns over land grabs and food security are prompting Brazil,…
China Water Stats Information Graphic

Infographic: Beijing Water Use and Population Statistics

The population of China's capital has doubled since 1980, and, though agricultural and industrial water use is down, municipal use is up.
Tar Sands Map

South of the Border—Second Environmental Review of Tar Sands Pipeline Leaves Many Groups Unsatisfied

Residents and lawmakers in Nebraska mull their options for protecting key groundwater sources.
Faced with irrigation restrictions, many farmers in eastern Hebei Province look for other ways to make a living.

Off the Deep End — Beijing’s Water Demand Outpaces Supply Despite Conservation, Recycling, and Imports

How China's capital got in over its head, and what the city is doing to get its water crisis under control.
Water China Energy

The Stream, May 3: Nile River Treaty?

Local protests against mining and energy projects in Peru are…
Water China Energy

The Stream, April 26: The Water-Energy-Food Nexus

Food has quickly become the hidden driver of world politics,…
Water China Energy

The Stream, April 20: Damming the Rivers

Despite international pressure to freeze the development of the…
Water China Energy

Circle of Blue’s China Tour Finds Strong Reception for Water-Energy Choke Point Warning

Circle of Blue and the Wilson Center’s China Environment Forum present at 17 events in 4 cities over 16 days.