Infographic: Michigan Mineral Rights
In Michigan, $178 million for nearly 120,000 acres of state-owned minerals in 20 counties.
Infographic: Anatomy of a Gas Well
Several layers of steel casing typically enclose a well bore and the empty spaces between can be sealed with cement.
Infographic: What is Hydraulic Fracturing?
Hydraulic fracturing is a process used in nine out of 10 natural gas wells in the United States.
Michigan Says It’s Ready For Next Drilling Boom
“Fracking” is the injection of water and chemicals to rupture deep shale and release natural gas.
A Desperate Clinch: Coal Production Confronts Water Scarcity
In contest with coal, water takes a beating.
Why Gas Leaks Matter in the Hydraulic Fracturing Debate
Methane migration is critical to discussions of underground contamination risks from fracking.
Flooding Tests Three Gorges Dam, Pollutes Songhua River in China
Chemical pollution is the latest calamity as heavy rains continue to blanket the country with floods.
EPA Announces Study to Re-Examine the Health Risks of Hydrofracking
States have begun implementing stricter standards for the controversial natural gas drilling process.
Michigan’s New Natural Gas Rush: Energy and Water in Play
Unprecedented mineral leasing could be big for energy production and hydraulic fracturing.
China’s Oil Spill Threatens International Waters
The world's largest energy consuming country is plagued by potential ecological damage.
Secretary Clinton Announces Pakistan Water Program
U.S. aid projects focus on city water systems, clean drinking water, dam construction and irrigation.
Water Scarcity Constrains Food, Energy Security in Vietnam
As the Southeast Asian country battles with climate change, it looks to use less hydropower.