Indigenous People from Ecuador to Louisiana Forge Alliances Against Global Oil Spills

Indigenous leaders from Amazon rainforests to Bayou swamplands.

More Houses Submerged as Water Levels Rise in Pakistan’s Attabad Lake

Officials have begun blasting boulders to expand the spillway of glacial melt.

Interactive Map: Top Ten Global Oil Spills

Details of the ten worst oil spills in history by volume, date, location, and company damages.

Bottomless Precedent: BP Gulf Gusher Endemic to Global Oil Problem

Big spills and bigger damage to people and water resources around the globe.

Natural Gas Found in Aral Sea’s Dry Bed

Test wells produce the first significant volumes of gas, confirming speculation about gas reserves in the region.

India and Pakistan Dispute Water Use for Hydropower, Agriculture

India strives to redirect water, currently used for Pakistani agriculture, on the Kishanganga River for 330 megawatts.

Glacial Melt Could Cause Tidal Wave in Pakistan

A tidal wave, reaching up to 60 meters high, is expected to race through the Hunza valley of the Himalayas.

Where Energy Development Puts Rivers at Risk

American Rivers’ annual tally of threatened rivers highlights effects of drilling for natural gas.

Environmental Groups Sue BP Under Clean Water Act

Landmark act could be used by the federal government to recover billions in fines, send people to jail.

Q&A: Upmanu Lall on India’s Nexus of Energy, Food and Water

Upmanu Lall talks specifically of three regions of India where cereals are grown, despite recent droughts.

China Looks to Increase Hydropower to Meet Clean Energy Goals

While the superpower announces ambitious sustainability goals, it faces droughts and intensive energy needs.

BP Oil Spill Grows, Threatens Region’s Marshlands

The worst oil leak in U.S. history and is now compromising the existence of wildlife in Louisiana's marshlands.