Peter Gleick: Water for Energy, the Bad Bet for Biofuels

In the ongoing debate about rethinking America's energy future,…

White House Report: US to Face Floods, Droughts and Competition for Water

The White House issued last Tuesday an assessment of how global warming will unfold across the United States in the next century.

Peter Gleick: Western Governors and New Thinking on Water

I had the opportunity this week to brief a group of western…

South Korea’s ‘Green New Deal’ — A Focus on Water

With the prospect of impending water shortages hot on South Korea’s heels, Seoul is reaching into its pocketbook for better water infrastructure.

New Technology Gives Thirsty Plants a Voice

sensor As many around the world anticipate the release of a new iPhone, plants in need of water are getting their own fancy gadget to “communicate” with their growers.

FRAC Act—Congress Introduces Twin Bills to Control Drilling and Protect Drinking Water

By Abrahm Lustgarten ProPublica In a widely expected move…

Energy Industry Sways Congress With Misleading Data

By Abrahm Lustgarten ProPublica The two key arguments that…

Peter Gleick: The Number of New Dams Built in California is Not Zero

Californians love (or hate) to fight about water in part because there are no easy solutions left.

Helsinki, Water and the Future of Chemistry?

Helsinki HELSINKI -- The first international Helsinki Chemical Forum (HCF) is well underway, and among the topics being talked about is water.

Fred Krupp: Changing the Climate at the World Economic Forum

Fred Krupp
Fred Krupp, of the Environmental Defense Fund, talks carbon, Obama and more.

Natural Gas Politics

By Abrahm Lustgarten ProPublica Four years after Vice President…

Q&A: Jennifer Turner on Water Challenges for Growing China

"China is a very energy hungry country, so it’s not surprising that they are damming the rivers."