Oil Slick Makes Its Way to Baghdad

A burst pipeline in northern Iraq has forced authorities to close down three municipal water treatment plants.

Officials in Three States Pin Water Woes on Gas Drilling

By Abrahm Lustgarten ProPublica Norma Fiorentino's drinking…

Drought Strikes ‘Garden Of Eden’ Marshes In Iraq

Once described as the place of earthly paradise and source…

A Longer, Dryer Lent: Mexico City Authorities Keep Taps Closed during Easter Holidays

While Pope Benedict XVI prepares to sprinkle holy water during…

Australia Summit: Droughts and a Verbal Heat Wave

As droughts are hot on Australia’s heels, Maude Barlow –…

Old Mesopotamian Waters Inadequate for Thirsty Middle Eastern States

Iraq might be soaking in oil, but its water reservoirs have…

New Legislation to Restore Watersheds & Wilderness in American West

Protection for 2.1 million acres of land and 1,000 miles of rivers.

Globalized Water vs. Globalized Cola?

When water taps dry up, Lemon Cola may fill out the emergency…

Ethiopia Dam Erodes Local Relations

The air in Ethiopia may catch fire, as plans for a new hydroelectric…

Race to Create Space: Plastic Bottle Offers Lightweight Response to Consumer Concerns

Plastic remains the material of choice for bottled water, but…

Water Designer Turns Box Thinking Inside Out

While the recent UNESCO Water Report encourages stakeholders…

Faucet Flambé in Colorado Sparks Concern About Natural Gas Leaks

Water and fire don't mix, but in Colorado such idioms may soon explode.