Water: A hidden cost in alternative fuels?

Alternative fuels can be water-intensive. That's according…

Opinion: Where Water Trumps Energy

A new plan to drill for natural gas along America's East Coast could endanger water supplies.

Texans Protest “Thirsty” Nuclear Power Plants in Chicago

Protesters from Texas made their way to Chicago to demonstrate against a new nuclear plant

Terrence O’Brien: Keeping Chicago hydrated

Chicago's master plumber strives for innovative and effective…

Energy from Water: New Dam Projects Proposed in Tibet

China plans to build a string of new dams throughout Tibet.

Op-ed — Chenab waters and Pakistan’s fear

Circle of Blue recently reported on the Baglihar Dam controversy…

Tensions between Islamabad and New Delhi rise over water

Pakistani President Zardari reiterated the importance of the Indus Waters Treaty.

U.S. Army says water fuels war in Iraq

WASHINGTON -- While experts warn of impending water wars, the…

Great Lakes Wind Turbines Could Someday Power the Midwest

Hundreds of thousands of wind turbines could someday stretch…

Tax free toilets! Atlantans encouraged to upgrade their loos

ATLANTA, Georgia -- Using tax incentives to persuade conservation,…

Op-ed: Californians called upon to solve state’s water shortage

Bodega, California, relies on a weekly truckload of water to…

U.S. needs integrated international water strategy to avert conflict, foster cooperation, says new CSIS report

Global conflicts over water threaten geopolitical stability;…