WaterViews | Mexico

Water is an especially serious issue according to Mexicans, particularly the lack of safe drinking water.

WWF Report Scrutinizes Germany’s Water Consumption

marketmunich A new report shows that half of Germany’s water consumption comes from virtual water.

Drought-resistant Rice Reaps Success in India

A new variety of rice might prepare India's agriculture for a drier future.

Sugar Futures Up, as Drought in India Threatens Supplies

The price rose to a three-year high of 19.4 cents per-pound.

Lowest Rainfalls in Over Two Decades Leave India’s Largest State Unplanted

Monsoon rainfall is the lowest in over 20 years.

Budget Constraints, Anomalies Delay USGS Water Data Release

tap Budget and personnel issues have delayed the 2005 U.S. Geological Survey national water use data, leaving many in the water world anxiously awaiting its release.

Infographic: 10 Things You Should Know About Water

10thingsknow How much drinkable water is there in the world? How much water does an American, a European, an African use everyday?

Drought Losses in the Billions for Texas Agriculture

longhorn Drought in Texas has scorched crops and rangelands, resulting in damages that could exceed $4.1 billion by the end of 2009

Peter Gleick: An Eastern Judge Points the Way to Solving Western Water Problems

chattahoochee A District Court judge in the southeastern United States has just described our water problems with stunning clarity.

Scientists Decode the Genomes of Parasitic Flatworms

dna Scientists have cracked the genetic code of one of the world’s deadliest water-borne parasites, opening the door for better drug treatment and prevention.

Peter Gleick: California’s Looming Groundwater Catastrophe

gleickcalipump21 California is one of the only states in the United States with almost completely unregulated groundwater use.

Peter Gleick: Wake Up, Here is What a Real Water Crisis Looks Like

aus_itrained California is in the midst of an ugly debate about water--uglier than normal--because of a confluence of events, including a "hydrologic" drought caused by nature