Oklahoma, Arkansas Poultry Industry Continue Court Battle Over Water Pollution

Poultry Industry Continues Court Battle Over Water PollutionOklahoma’s lawsuit against 11 poultry companies, including Tyson Food Inc., continues to take interesting twist and turns in court as more witnesses testify. Poultry companies have claimed that Oklahoma state officials took too long to file suit about alleged water pollution from bird waste, The Associated Press (AP) reported last week.

Idea Central: Collaborative Solutions to SE Australia’s Water Crisis

Software to Engage the Wisdom of Crowds

Drought and Deluge: Food Supplies in an Era of Climate Change

Agriculture in South and Southeast Asia affected by increasing temperatures and erratic water.

Water Issues Dividing and Challenging the U.S.

With floods across the Midwest, droughts along the Southwest, and legal skirmishes in the West and South—water issues are dividing the United States and challenging its citizens like never before. As first reported by Circle of Blue in July 2008, increasing competition for diminishing water supplies is driving the United States into an era of water scarcity.

Alabama, Florida and Georgia: A Tri-State Tug-of-War for Lake Lanier

Congress solidifies a federal judge's ruling to settle a 20-year-old dispute.

Visioning Flowing Waters, From Laos to Cambodia

Mouth to Source brings remote locations along the Mekong River to life

NYT: Farm Runoff is Polluting Nearby Residents’ Water Wells

Runoff, often from cow manure spread on grain fields, can result in parasites and bacteria seeping into drinking water.A New York Times investigation into worsening U.S. water pollution details how unregulated farm runoff is poisoning people's wells.

India Turns to Imports to Refill Depleted Food Stocks

India is taking major steps to alleviate the effects of its devastating drought.

WaterViews | Mexico

Water is an especially serious issue according to Mexicans, particularly the lack of safe drinking water.

WWF Report Scrutinizes Germany’s Water Consumption

marketmunich A new report shows that half of Germany’s water consumption comes from virtual water.

Drought-resistant Rice Reaps Success in India

A new variety of rice might prepare India's agriculture for a drier future.

Sugar Futures Up, as Drought in India Threatens Supplies

The price rose to a three-year high of 19.4 cents per-pound.