Water Shortage Leaves Poorer Mexicans High and Dry in Coronavirus Fight
Water scarcity complicates attempts to sanitize the area amid the spread of the coronavirus disease.

Despite Billions in Losses and Clear Financial Dangers, Companies Slow to Respond to Water Risks
More businesses track water use, but fewer take the next step of setting targets.

Remembering Michigan’s PBB Crisis
Contamination of the food-supply chain in Michigan in the 1970s was one of the worst mass poisonings in U.S. history. The events still resonate today.

World Economic Forum Sees Big Risks in Water and Climate
Environmental change viewed as a leading cause of disruption.

Water and Climate Dominate World Economic Forum Risk Report
Water crises and climate change worry business and political elite.

Understanding Water Risks Drives Global Investors
Finance managers develop tools to avoid losses.

Urgent Tone at World Water Day Summit
Water supply a national security issue.
By Brett Walton,…

Corporate Water Risk Report: 5th CDP Survey of Top Global Companies
The details are lacking, as risk disclosures often have a narrow focus and significant data gaps.