Opinion: The President’s Plastic Trigger

President Trump delights in alarming opponents and aiding friends in polluting industries

Colorado River Indian Tribes Take Another Step Toward Marketing Valuable Water in Arizona

The Colorado River Indian Tribes unveiled draft legislation to allow their water to be leased to users in Arizona off the reservation or stored underground.

Opinion | Water Scarcity Will Increase Risk of Conflict, Says New National Intelligence Report

Report is less comprehensive than previous assessments and omits key flashpoints for water conflict.
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Utilities Ordered To Forgive Customer Water Debt

Three cities are promoting the idea of water debt forgiveness.

Millions of Americans Are In Water Debt

Most Americans give little thought to water bills, paying them on time and in full. But for a subset of homeowners and renters, water debt is constant and menacing.

Uganda wants people to leave flooded wetlands – and not come back

Authorities have been trying to clear the wetlands around Africa’s biggest lake for years. This year’s flooding may have helped their case.

Lake Victoria’s surging water levels threaten hydro dams: Uganda

Lake Victoria's water levels have surged to their highest level in more than half a century after about eight months of relentless downpours, posing a threat to Uganda's hydropower plants.

U.S. Supreme Court Rejects Trump Bid to Limit Water Pollution Law

The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday rejected arguments seeking to limit the reach of a landmark water pollution law in a Hawaii dispute over wastewater indirectly discharged into the Pacific Ocean.

Chinese dams held back Mekong waters during drought, study finds

A study says water levels measured downstream from China along the Thai-Lao border were at times up to 3 metres lower than they should have been.

A Sinking Metropolis

A day in the life of Jakarta—a city drowning in water insecurity.

Election 2019: State and Local Voters Face Water Infrastructure Funding Decisions

Ballot initiatives in Colorado, Texas, New Orleans, and Portland address flooding, financing, and watershed protection.