Q&A: Mark Giordano on the Sustainable Development Goal for Integrated Water Resources Management

Mark Giordano is the director of the Program in Science, Technology and International Affairs at Georgetown University. He researches natural resources management and has written extensively about water management in developing countries. He talks with Circle of Blue about the Sustainable Development subgoal to implement integrated water resources management.

Q&A: Bill Christiansen on the Sustainable Development Goal for Water Efficiency

Bill Christiansen, program manager for the Chicago-based Alliance for Water Efficiency, a nonprofit organization dedicated to the efficient and sustainable use of water, talks with Circle of Blue about the subgoal to improve water efficiency.

California Groundwater Law Tests State’s Capacity to Oversee A Vital Resource

A year after passage, California begins building a new regulatory…

Slowly, With Earth Pushing Hard, A Confederacy Of Concern Develops

Circle of Blue Senior Editor Keith Schneider discusses how new energy-efficient, water-conserving, land-protecting operating principles are slowly becoming priorities around the world.

Infographic: U.S. Surface Water Pollution by State

More than half of the country's lakes and rivers are not meeting water quality standards.

Effective Responses to Global Water Crisis Are Largely Local

With exceptions like California and Australia, regions and cities shape resilient adaptations to water security.

Los Angeles Looks to Stormwater to Secure Water Sustainability

Second largest U.S. city confronts new era of water scarcity with innovations on a new scale.

U.S. Clean Water Law Needs New Act for the 21st Century

Seminal water law does not address nation's emerging water pollution challenges.

Federal Drought Policy Need Not Wait for Congress

Natural resources agencies have the authority to change practices on their own, conservation groups argue.

California Drought Signals Fundamental Shift to New Water Conditions

Climate change models have long predicted a drying West. In California, the future has arrived.

U.S. Clean Water Enforcement Strategy: Big Penalties But Fewer Prosecutions

Agencies are going after polluters with smaller staffs and less money.

EPA Clean Water Rule Meets Political Pushback

Unlike previous eras, Congress has avoided adjusting the law to manage new conditions.