Q&A: Pat Mulroy on Las Vegas and the Journey to Water Efficiency

Patricia Mulroy, general manager of the Las Vegas Valley Water District and the Southern Nevada Water Authority, talks with Circle of Blue at the 5th Annual WaterSmart Innovations Conference.

Water Makes Waves at UN Week

The 67th session of the UN General Assembly, which ended on Monday, featured a number of globally prominent leaders worried about the planet's water supply and quality.

Protests Break Out After India’s Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Downstream State in Cauvery River Dispute

A decades-long quarrel over water allocations boils up again during this year's dry summer, ending in farmer protests and increased security.
grain elevator, corn, prescott, kansas, usda, u.s. department of agriculture, 2012 drought, water rights, rivers

Ruinous Drought Tests Kansas Model for Supplying Water to Farms

As the 2012 drought smothers the Great Plains, Kansas water laws…

Florida Oyster Harvest Suffers As Drought Intensifies Water Battle with Georgia and Alabama

The drought that set upon the United States this year has tightened a three-state tug-of-war over fresh water, affecting marine life and a valuable fishing economy downstream in the Deep South's Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin, the most biodiverse river system in North America.

Infographic: A Drought and Water Policy Timeline for Georgia

It is not clear whether any of the new policy, planning, and…
Arkansas River US Drought 2012

Study: Freshwater Food Webs Hit Hard by Drought

A new report out of the United Kingdom's academic world concludes that droughts can cause sharp declines in the number of species in a stream. Additionally, there is the potential for partial collapse of aquatic food webs.

Make Water A Priority: Former Government Leaders Call on UN Security Council

The time is increasingly right for high-level action, the group’s…

Support for UN Water Treaty Accelerates

Progress on the treaty, which deals with transboundary water basins, or those shared by two or more countries, had stalled — until a major conservation group got involved.

Federal Water Mandates Blowing a Hole in Municipal Budgets, Local Leaders Say

Local government officials and utility leaders ask U.S. Congress to invest in water projects and to provide regulatory flexibility. The framework is part of a broader debate about how to balance ecosystems, public health and financial constraints, in this, the 40th year of the Clean Water Act.

Video: Water For People Strives To Reach Everyone Forever

This month, Ned Breslin promos a creative video that explains his organization's innovative model for the WASH sector.

Republican V.P. Pick Paul Ryan: A Great Lakes Lawmaker Not Terribly Interested in Water Quality

The newly announced Republican running mate of presidential hopeful Mitt Romney has a voting record that tilts heavily toward favoring development and reducing federal investment over environmental conservation and improving water quality.