Water Law: $105 Million Settlement in Water Pollution Lawsuit Between Swiss Company and U.S. Communities

Nearly 2,000 communities in the United States will be eligible…

Oklahoma Sets Ambitious Goal for Water Conservation

Oklahoma's governor has signed a bill that would limit freshwater consumption in 2060 to current levels, while expanding the use of marginal sources, despite a projected 28 percent increase in population and 33 percent increase in consumptive demand.

Exxon and Imperial Oil Forced To Go Around Sensitive Idaho River Valley

Push-back on the transportation of tar sands equipment through a wilderness corridor reflects civic resistance to North American fossil fuel boom.

U.S. Congress to Get Asian Carp Solutions by 2013, Two Years Ahead of Schedule

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is taking steps to speed up…

Film Review: Last Call at the Oasis

A documentary film on the world’s water crisis opens this weekend.

Map: Interbasin Water Transfers in Iran

The country already has major water transfer projects moving 2,110 million cubic meters (557 billion gallons). Just two weeks ago, Iran began construction on a new $US 1.5 billion project that will transfer more water from the Caspian Sea.

Draft Plan for Australia’s Murray-Darling Reignites Old Flames

After the 20-week public consultations ended last week, three key basin states have rejected the proposed plan, and more than 60 Australian academics have slammed the document for neglecting to include climate change projections and for its lack of transparency.
Great Falls, Montana

U.S. Supreme Court Navigates Waters of Ownership, Clarifies Possession of Missouri River Bottomland

Montana may have lost the bottom, but the state was awarded — and entrusted — all that floats to the top as part of a public trust authority to protect water resources.
A coal loader eats away at a mountain of black coal at the Port of Newcastle in New South Wales, Australia. In 2011, the mines, trains, and coal loading terminals here shipped about 114 million metric tons of coal on about 1,000 freighters, bringing billions of dollars in export earnings.

Global Energy Demand Driving Australia’s Coal and Gas Export Boom

International demand and new technologies push nation to the top for hydrocarbon exports. But massive production has also created worries over water.
UN WASH drinking water MDG millennium development goals sanitation hygeine

UN WASH Report: A “Significant Risk of Slipping” in Global Gains for Drinking Water and Sanitation

More people have access to drinking water and sanitation than ever before, but more investment is needed to maintain those systems.

Clean Energy Picture Dramatically Changed For Midwest, As U.S. Fossil Energy Boom Gathers Steam

With the price of natural gas falling thanks to innovating drilling solutions in states like Ohio and Pennsylvania, investments in water-sipping energy models like wind and solar have dried up.

Water Rights: Arizona Senators John Kyl and John McCain Meet With Navajo Nation Leaders

Decades in the making, a Navajo-Hopi water rights settlement…