The Pleasant Power Station, Willow Island, West Virginia. 1.3 megawatt coal-fired power plant.

FOIA Lawsuit Seeks Release of U.S. Department of Energy’s ‘Water-Energy Roadmap’

The report, one of two ordered by Congress on water and energy, has been delayed for years.

James Workman: Mandela’s Global Water Ambassador Dies — A Reflection on South African Human Rights Lawyer, Kader Asmal

When Nelson Mandela named South Africa’s first democratic Minister for Water Affairs and Forestry – a futile effort to keep his outspoken, irascible, chain-smoking friend out of trouble – Kader Asmal claimed ignorance about the rudimentary basics of his new portfolio.
Lake Turkana - Water Conflict

Water Conflict: Violence Erupts Along Ethiopia-Kenya Water-stressed Border

Severe droughts have added stress to an ongoing dispute between two neighboring ethnic groups near Lake Turkana — the border between the two nations — which has culminated in a series of violent attacks.
Colorado River Basin
European Fracking Infographic

Uncertain Future for Shale Gas in Europe — Accepted by U.K., Rejected by France, Others Undecided

Despite getting a go-ahead in the U.K., shale gas faces an uncertain future in Europe.
Tar Sands Map

South of the Border—Second Environmental Review of Tar Sands Pipeline Leaves Many Groups Unsatisfied

Residents and lawmakers in Nebraska mull their options for protecting key groundwater sources.
Au Sable

Divided Michigan Supreme Court Overturns Anglers of the Au Sable Decision, Reverses Environmental Victory

The Michigan Supreme Court’s new conservative majority overturned a four-month-old court decision by a 4-3 margin this week, casting doubt on the rights of state citizens to sue over environmental harm.
China Environment Forum

Event Invitation—Choke Point: Confronting Energy Demand and Water Scarcity in China

Circle of Blue and the China Environment Forum at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars will give an absorbing presentation on the energy-water choke points that are tightening around the world’s two largest economies. Please RSVP for May 6, 2011 from 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Water China Energy

Circle of Blue’s China Tour Finds Strong Reception for Water-Energy Choke Point Warning

Circle of Blue and the Wilson Center’s China Environment Forum present at 17 events in 4 cities over 16 days.
Lake Mead Water level Issues

Good Snow Season Triggers Bonus Water for Lake Mead

The reservoir is expected to rise nearly 30 feet, and power output at the Hoover Dam will increase as well.

Australia Builds Desalination Plants and Pipelines to Bring Water to Mines

To feed water-hungry mining industries, similar plans are in the works to supply drought-ridden regions of Australia and China.