Higher Water Prices Needed Globally, OECD Says

A report from 30 of the richest countries in the world says raising water rates will help protect and maintain the precious resource for the future.

Tracking the Threat and Politics of Asian Carp

Imported from Taiwan and brought to Arkansas as weed control agents three decades ago, Asian carp have become the poster children of potential threats to the Great Lakes. As the fish inch closer to invading Lake Michigan, regional and national politicians debate the financial consequences of coping with the invasive species. With the fate of multi-billion dollar a year industries on the line, the Obama administration has offered some fiscal support to quell the storm.

Supreme Court Rejects Michigan’s Asian Carp Lawsuit

Michigan's Attorney General Mike Cox is “looking at other legal avenues” to pursue the carp battle.

UN Claims of Greater Access to Drinking Water Are ‘Baloney,’ Water Expert Says

Water quality is a serious problem that is not properly acknowledged, says top water expert and adviser Asit Biswas.

Q&A: Peter Gleick Weighs in on the Bottled Water Battle

Why do people buy billions of gallons of expensive bottled water in the U.S., a country where most of the tap water is cheap and extremely high quality?

The Price of Water: A Comparison of Water Rates, Usage in 30 U.S. Cities

"For more than 20 years industry has been moving south looking for cheaper labor, I'm hoping that now they'll start coming back looking for cheaper water."

UK Reliance on Imported Water Leaves Country Vulnerable, Study

Many places the country currently imports products from may begin to see problems meeting domestic water demand in the coming decades, possibly causing a shortage of goods for the country, a study says.

Bolivian Village Wants Compensation for Climate Change Adaptation

Alternative climate summit opens April 20 in Bolivia to address concerns of the world’s poor.

Bid to Protect Michigan’s Groundwater Draws Opposition, Praise

A proposed bill that declares Michigan’s groundwater a “public trust” has set off a storm of controversy, with opponents claiming that the legislation would expose property owners to new state fees.

In Detroit: No Money, No Water

Water Department cuts connections to thousands of city’s poor.

U.S. Urban Residents Cut Water Usage; Utilities are Forced to Raise Prices

In too many American cities to count, water consumers are dramatically reducing the amount they use only to be hit with higher water rates.

Eco-Explorer David de Rothschild Begins Trans-Pacific Journey on Catamaran of Plastic — the Plastiki

David de Rothschild's Plastiki voyage and vessel are designed to redefine global use, and reuse, of plastic.