Texas Water District Continues Legal Battle for Oklahoma Water

A U.S. District judge gave the water district one month to clarify its case for claiming Oklahoma’s water sale ban is unconstitutional.

Decades-Long Water War Amongst Southern States May Be Near an End

A recent meeting by the governors of Georgia, Alabama and Florida may help break a long-running dispute over how much water the Atlanta region can use and the source for that water.

Water Projects Emphasized in $7.5 Billion-U.S. Aid Package to Pakistan

Improved irrigation systems and water infrastructure projects are primary goals.

Peter Gleick: Stealing Water from the Future – California’s Massive Groundwater Overdraft Newly Revealed

A NASA report summarizing data collected from new satellites confirms what most water observers have known for a long time. Massive amounts of groundwater are being sucked out of California's Central Valley groundwater aquifers -- unreported, unmonitored, and unregulated.

Mumbai Restricts Water Use, Fueling Protests

A below-average monsoon has brought government-imposed limits on water use and public anger in Mumbai, a city that already faces low water levels.

Final Week of Copenhagen, the Last Act of Negotiations Remains Unclear

Like all spellbinding human dramas the United Nations Climate Change Conference, which today entered its second and last week, represents the accumulated chapters of an urgent script - the fate of the planet.

Underused Drilling Practices Could Avoid Pollution

By Abrahm Lustgarten ProPublicaVersions of this story were published…

Big Copenhagen Demonstration – Noisy, Colorful, Insistent – Pushes For Climate Action

COPENHAGEN – Great social movements are about the intelligence and vision of individuals, and the compelling strength of crowds. Both have been in abundance throughout the first week of the United Nations Climate Change Conference, and especially today.

EPA Greenhouse Gas Ruling Could Lead To Stricter Emissions Standards

EPA Chief says the agency has been fighting to make up for lost time on its climate change policies. A U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ruling that greenhouse gases pose a public health threat has set the stage for new emission regulations while setting off a battle in Congress and howls of protest from industry groups.

Australia’s Water Market Sets Trading Record in 2008, Despite Restrictions

The water trade in Australia is growing quickly, but some fear that state restrictions will hamper river restorations.
Video: The World in a Giant Globe in Copenhagen

Video: The World in a Giant Globe in Copenhagen

With a screen size over fifteen times bigger than the largest IMAX screens, the 20 meter media globe in Copenhagen City Hall square during COP15 is an impressive and effective way to broadcast climate related information.

Peter Gleick: Water and Conflict – The New Water Conflict Chronology

In an ongoing effort to understand the connections between water resources, water systems, and international security and conflict, the Pacific Institute initiated a project in the late 1980s to track and categorize events related to water and conflict.