WaterViews | Mexico

Water is an especially serious issue according to Mexicans, particularly the lack of safe drinking water.

WaterViews | Russia

Compared to other environmental issues, Russians consider water pollution to be the most serious.

WaterViews | United Kingdom

In the United Kingdom, the depletion of natural resources and water issues are regarded as two serious environmental issues.

WaterViews | United States

Americans demonstrate concern for water issues, particularly for water pollution and the lack of safe drinking water.

Peter Gleick: ‘Drought Impacts on Unemployment Are Grossly Overstated’

Thus concludes a new comprehensive assessment of the impacts of the drought on Central Valley unemployment.

African States Fail to Agree on Nile River Allocations

nileriver Last week, the water ministers of the nine Nile River Basin countries postponed the signing of a new water-sharing treaty that has already flamed up diplomatic tensions between upstream and downstream nations in the region.

Peter Gleick: Whose Water Is It? Water Rights in the Age of Scarcity

riversbranch Who "owns" what water? Or, if water belongs to the public, who has the right to use it?

Cholera Outbreak is Over but Aid Officials Expect the Worst

cholera The Zimbabwean Ministry of Health announced that the worst African cholera outbreak in 15 years had ended after 10 months. However, with the rainy season approaching in late October, international aid organizations warned that another epidemic is likely to hit the country.

Peter Gleick: Get Rid of Your Clunker

More on Inefficient Washing Machines (and Toilets and Irrigation Systems)

Water Problems From Drilling Are More Frequent Than PA Officials Said

By Abrahm Lustgarten ProPublica When methane began bubbling…

Peter Gleick: Why Do You Still Have a Top-loading Washing Machine?

Peter Gleick Washing MachineMy colleagues and I here at the Pacific Institute have been arguing for more than 15 years that California has enormous potential to save water by improving water use efficiency.