Great Lakes Compact flows through U.S. House On its Way to the President

Representatives remain worried about exemptions Sarah Haughn Circle…

What would Peter Gleick do? Hypothetical PowerPoint explains water crisis for next president

In eight slides or less, sums up the water crisis.…

U.S. needs integrated international water strategy to avert conflict, foster cooperation, says new CSIS report

Global conflicts over water threaten geopolitical stability;…

White House and Pentagon pressure EPA to ignore dangers of rocket fuel in tap water

WASHINGTON - It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out…

Brain drain on drain brains: South Africa suffers dearth of water quality engineers

A new study reports that much of South Africa's water suffers…

“Water Wars or Water Woes? Water Management as Conflict Management,” a presentation by Geoff Dabelko

In the new video “Water Wars or Water Woes? Water Management…

CITGO Fined: Oil and Water Do Not Mix, Decides USDOJ

Delaware petroleum corporation CITGO faces a $13 million fine for its recent Clean Water Act violation.

San Diego residents to tighten their water belts

SAN DIEGO -- Having called for a 10 percent reduction in water…

Going through withdrawals: Why less could soon be more for California farmers

Controversial study encourages water-savvy Delta management Sarah…

McCain calls for a conservative ethic in water management

Presidential hopefuls lay out plan for scientific policy by…

Rethinking cities: Moving the farm indoors

Vertical farms: Reclaiming urban space and moving production…

Utah mining corporation indicted for water pollution

Discharging selenium into watersheds remains a major problem…