Those Who Control Oil and Water Control the World

A race for the world's resources is underway, resembling the decades leading up to WWI.

Presidential Candidates Vow to Support Cleaning Up Great Lakes

Buttressed by the GLEI study Healthy Waters – Strong Economy:…

Foundation promotes clean water and healthy forests for New England

The Conservation Law Foundation serves as an advocate for New…

NYTimes: Protecting All Waters

"Half of the waters in the United States are at risk of pollution…

Wisconsin Lawmakers Urged To Safeguard Water

MANITOWOC, Wisconsin — State legislators must move quickly…

Fight Over Peripheral Canal Ready to Flow Again

SAN JOSE, California -- A coalition of business and agriculture…

Alternatives proposed for Nevada pipeline

Commentary in Salt Lake Tribune by Mark BirdWestern Utah may…

Water’s Urgent Message at the World Economic Forum

"One of the problems that we face is that climate change is on…

FL Counties Prepare to Battle Over River Water

The ranks of Seminole County opponents continues to grow in Northeast…

Margaret Catley-Carlson: Talking Water at the World Economic Forum

Margaret Catley-Carlson is chairperson of Global Water Partnership,…

John Elkington: Talking Water and SustainAbility at the World Economic Forum

John Elkington, founder and chief entrepreneur of SustainAbility,…

Peace and Cooperation School Award 2008: Water for All

NEW YORK, US -- Joaquín Antuña, president of the Spain-based…