EPA Says It Will Regulate Two PFAS Chemicals in Drinking Water

The EPA’s PFAS action plan includes steps for regulation, monitoring, detection, and cleanup.

Despite Unity of Purpose, Familiar Schisms Appear As California Lawmakers Rekindle Clean Water Funding Debate

Three options on are the table for helping water utilities deliver clean water.

Cleaner Coal Ash Disposal Gets Bipartisan Support in Virginia

Virginia’s toxic legacy of storing coal ash in unlined pits near Chesapeake Bay rivers could be put to rest by a bill that now has bipartisan support.

Desalination Has a Waste Problem

Brine production is 50 percent higher than was assumed, UN study finds.

Groundwater Plummets in Delhi, City of 29 Million

Experts warn that Delhi could reach “zero groundwater levels” by 2020.

Groundwater Scarcity, Pollution Set India on Perilous Course

Drained and contaminated aquifers contribute to India’s “worst water crisis.”

CDC Releases Latest U.S. Legionnaires’ Disease Data

Legionnaires’ disease, a pneumonia-like illness, is the deadliest waterborne disease in the United States, killing about one in eleven people it sickens.

After Hurricanes, Pollution Hazards for Private Water Wells in the Southeast

Floodwaters from Florence and Michael introduce bacteria and contaminants into wells.

Deadly Legionnaires’ Disease Outbreaks Persist in the U.S.

The most acute U.S. water contamination health risk defies control.

Michigan’s Groundwater Emergency

Groundwater in Michigan is “compromised and deteriorated.”

Michigan PFAS by the numbers: How much is unsafe?

Confusion runs rampant about PFAS dangers. The federal government and states can’t agree on how much is unsafe for states. Here’s a primer on what’s known so far.

Detroit Schools Shut Off Drinking Water After Finding Elevated Levels of Lead, Copper

A task force will investigate the contamination and identify solutions.