Diseases of Poverty Identified in Alabama County Burdened by Poor Sanitation

Study finds “shocking” incidence of parasite infections in Lowndes County.

Record Heat in 2016 Broke Lake Temperature Records Too

Warming lake waters worsen pollution, harm ecosystems. By…

Vietnam’s Tourism and Fishing Industries Drown in Waste

Plastic pollution, largely from Asia, chokes the world’s oceans. Jennifer…

SDG Report: Billions Lack Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation at Home

Report is first to track higher standards set by the UN’s sustainable…

UN Prepares First Evaluation of Higher Standard for Water and Sanitation

Clean water for all, a sustainable development goal, will be…

EPA Investigates Chemical Contamination of North Carolina River

Nonstick chemical was found downstream of Chemours’ Fayetteville…
2017-01 India Tamil Nadu DMalhotra_C4A6606-2500

India’s Toxic Trail of Tears

An unending legacy of poisoning, pollution, and chemical pain.

Nonstick Chemicals Slipped Into Water, Causing Health, Environmental, Regulatory Mess

PFASs -- used in clothing, carpets, cookware, and more -- contaminate wells across the United States.

No Filter: Treating Drinking Water at the Faucet Is Rarely a Utility’s Contamination Solution

Under-the-sink filters are effective. But regulators impose stringent…

Kansas Town Faces Big Bill to Clean Drinking Water

In farm country, the cost of nitrate pollution often falls on…

EPA Announces National Wastewater Nutrient Pollution Census

Agency will study nitrogen and phosphorus removal at wastewater…

Climate Change Will Cripple Coastal Septic Systems

Backyard units need to adapt to changing environmental conditions. By…