Water A Key Factor in Zika Virus Spread

Zika is carried by mosquitoes that reproduce in standing water,…

Septic Systems Contaminate Drinking Water Wells on Cape Cod

Pharmaceuticals, flame retardants, and other organic compounds found in small concentrations in household drinking water.

Hookworm Infections and Sanitation Failures Plague Rural Alabama

New civil rights movement emerges around septic system pollution   By…

Septic System Pollution Contributes to Disease Outbreaks

More research and funding is needed to help understand the severity By…

Great Lakes States Take Halting Steps Toward Water Protections

Governments in the nation’s most water-rich region are responding…

U.S. Not Prepared for Tar Sands Oil Spills, National Study Finds

Report urges new regulations, research, and technology to respond…

Ecosystems Are Dying as Long Island Contends With a Nitrogen Bomb

Septic systems and nitrogen pollution are killing the island's…

In Oakland, Still A City With Thorns, A New Garden Emerges (Part II)

Quality of life and economy thrive with greater care for water,…

California Closes 33 Injection Wells Used to Dump Oilfield Waste into Aquifers

Hundreds more wells face closure in the next 16 months, while…

America’s Spreading Septic Threat

Failing septic systems produce disease outbreaks, algae blooms,…

Lawsuit Asks For Regulations To Address Underwater Oil Pipeline Spills

National Wildlife Federation says federal agency has allowed…

While South Carolina Floods, U.S. Wrestles With Urban Stormwater

Lawsuit requires EPA to address one of the largest water pollution sources in the country.