Coal Ash: Town’s Toxic Water Embodies National Challenge

Dirty legacy contaminates groundwater of an Indiana town.

Scientists Decode the Genomes of Parasitic Flatworms

dna Scientists have cracked the genetic code of one of the world’s deadliest water-borne parasites, opening the door for better drug treatment and prevention.

Corruption and Cartels Drain Nairobi’s Water

nairobi With a dry season already bringing Kenya's water reservoirs to the brink, the severely limited water supplies of Nairobi are now also being illegally diverted on their way to the taps of millions.

US Projects Give Millions for Water and Sanitation to Tribes

pipes The U.S. government is looking to get tribal homes on a par with the rest of the nation through a $90 million stimulus package for water and sanitation access.

Two Reports Take Bottled Water to Task

bottledwater Two new reports are calling for bottled water to be labeled with as much information as municipalities disclose about tap water.

Sri Lanka Fights Dengue Outbreak and Stagnant Water

Facing a dengue outbreak, the government of Sri Lanka is trying…

Peter Gleick: Wake Up, Here is What a Real Water Crisis Looks Like

aus_itrained California is in the midst of an ugly debate about water--uglier than normal--because of a confluence of events, including a "hydrologic" drought caused by nature

Swelling Glacial Lakes and Everest

After two decades, scientists in Nepal are on the ground for in-the-field Himalaya studies.

White House Report: US to Face Floods, Droughts and Competition for Water

The White House issued last Tuesday an assessment of how global warming will unfold across the United States in the next century.

Mekong River Dolphins Near ‘Brink of Extinction’

The river pollution could come from any of six Southeast Asian countries inhabiting 300 million people.

Water and Food Shortages Hit Western China

ningxia_hui The cisterns of western China are empty, as prolonged drought brings the people of the the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region to their knees.

Chinese Court Issues Verdicts Over Water Pollution

kunming Water polluters are on the docket of Chinese courts this week.