Race to the Finish: Coal Run Receives Water, City and County Plan to Appeal

Coal Run, a community denied water on allegedly racial grounds, can now turn on the tap at will.

Waste not, want not: Orange County sewage undergoes alchemy

Featured in the New York Times a new sewage treatment plant…

Climate change: Advocates warm up to Lake Baikal

BOLSHIYE KOTY, Russia - Containing one-fifth of the world's freshwater,…

New York Water a Power Issue as Natural Gas Companies Hit Rock-bottom

Flirting with the idea of drilling for energy in the Marcellus shale.

Salmon over Slalom: Dam Removal Threatens Local Economy

RED BLUFF, California - Stakeholders in dam profits watch with…

Toronto youth ask Canada to proclaim water a basic human right

TORONTO - A cadre of youth in Canada believe water is a human…

Polyethylene balls balance bromate levels in Ivanhoe Reservoir

High levels of bromate in Ivanhoe Reservoir have inspired officials…

Water tapping: Utah confronts Nevada government on pipeline pollution

SALT LAKE CITY - The Las Vegas leviathan once more has engineers…

Iceland empathizes with FIJI bottled water controversy

REKJAVIC, Iceland - Iceland has recently taken an interest…

Polluted paradise: California to decide fate of Salton Sea

SACRAMENTO - A bill that determines the future of Southern…

Virtual geology: New map to expose hidden water, minerals, and oil

LILLESTROEM, Norway - A new geological map, launched in Norway,…

Arsenic-laced well water poisons Indian rice supply

INDIA -- The bucolic portrayal of verdant, water-soaked rice…