Without Water, South Africa Anticipates A Mammoth Crop Failure (Part Two)

Climate-related consequences are raising food prices, joblessness,…

Infographic: The Age of U.S. Drinking Water Pipes — From Civil War Era to Today

Water main ages reflect the nation’s growth By Brett Walton Circle…

Lawsuits in Three States Target Groundwater Pollution under Clean Water Act

U.S. water law confronts hydrology. Photo courtesy of…

Strength of New EPA Lead Rule Depends on Accountability

Expert panel recommendations are criticized for lacking teeth. Photo…

The Most Important Water Stories of 2015

Climate risk and energy development, groundwater and conflict…

Sitka, Alaska Still Waits on First Bulk Water Export

City favors contract extension with company that missed $US 1…

Septic Systems Contaminate Drinking Water Wells on Cape Cod

Pharmaceuticals, flame retardants, and other organic compounds found in small concentrations in household drinking water.

Expert Council Recommends Eliminating Lead Drinking Water Lines

Federal rules are not strict enough to prevent lead poisoning

South Africa Crocodile Farm, Hurt By Drought, Is Where Gucci Bags Start

Metcroc farm is full of slow moving product that doesn't bite....hard. Photo…

Preventing CAFO Water Pollution Not An EPA Priority

Inspections continued to decline in 2015. Photo © J.…

Could Insurance Markets Help Water Utilities Respond to Drought?

Drought restrictions and wet summers shake utility budgets. Researchers…

World Economic Forum Ranks Water Crises as Top Long-term Risk

Water is connected to the world’s most severe problems.