Circle of Blue: Old-School Reporting in a New-Style Package

Last month, the Society of Environmental Journalists published a Q&A with our director, J. Carl Ganter.

Big India Dam, Unfinished and Silent, Could Be Tomb For Giant Hydropower Projects

Lower Subansiri River construction site was shut in 2011 and never restarted.

California Orders First Mandatory Water Restrictions

Abysmal snowpack ‘obliterates’ record; cities told to conserve 25 percent.

California Drought Is Not Lifting

Another dry winter forces political pressure for action.

Water’s Major Role in Disasters Not Matched in New Framework to Reduce Risk

Beyond Sendai, water community turns attention to Sustainable…
A coal-fired power plant under construction near the Mahanadi River in Chhattisgarh

What Can Be Done to Strengthen India’s Natural Resource Management? [Part 2 of 2]

The good news is that India’s government has started to shift its priorities in terms of how it manages the country’s economy and natural resources.

On Meeting the Colorado River for the First Time

Circle of Blue reporter Brett Walton tastes the iconic river. Photo…
The cycle of risk produced by the policy of providing free water and free electricity to operate millions of irrigation pumps yields endemic surpluses, drains groundwater, contributes to brownouts and blackouts, and causes uneaten grain to pile up in outdoor storage areas, like this one in Punjab.

India’s Water, Food, Energy Conundrum: Conclusions From a Two-Year Reporting Project [Part 1 of 2]

For two years, the Wilson Center and Circle of Blue have explored…

Asian Carp Swarm South of Chicago As Consensus on Permanent Solution Eludes Nation

New legislative proposal focuses on less expensive, short-term…

Des Moines Water Utility to File Nitrate Pollution Lawsuit

Farming practices are adding harmful nitrates to Iowa's Raccoon River. The capital city's water utility will vote at a March 10 board meeting to proceed with a Clean Water Act lawsuit.

United States Clean Water Rule Quandary Begins On Land

EPA’s Clean Water Rule confronts deep-rooted farm resistance.…

Infographic: Too Warm to Snow in California, Oregon, and Washington

Snowpack in February 2015 was pitifully low in the Cascades and…