Report: Syria’s Food Security Worsens Due to Drought and Conflict

Food prices set to climb as production of wheat and other staple…

Australia Disbands National Water Commission

The water advisory group is a casualty of sharp cuts to the Commonwealth’s…
Workers walk through the mechanical room underneath the membrane filters.

U.S. Sewer Costs Increase 5.5 Percent in 2013, Industry Survey Reveals

Why? Old pipes, clean water regulations, and years of inadequate…

India’s Treacherous Coal Mines in Meghalaya

National court orders end to feudal labor conditions, wanton…

Ogallala Water Use Climbs as Drought Intensifies in the Southern Plains

Rainfall deficit is worse than the 1930s Dust Bowl. By…

Uttarakhand Flood Disaster Made Worse By Existing Hydropower Projects, Expert Commission Says

Report calls for new Himalayan development policy; stirs political battle in New Delhi.

Price of Water 2014: Up 6 Percent in 30 Major U.S. Cities; 33 Percent Rise Since 2010

Water scarcity and successful conservation programs force…

National Climate Assessment: Climate Change Pushing U.S. Toward Water Extremes

The Southwest is drying out, while the Northeast is becoming…

Map: California’s Water Use Per County (1985-2005)

Click through the interactive Google Fusion Tables infographic to see how California’s water use has changed over the last two decades and how these trends relate to population demographics and water contamination.

Census of Agriculture Data Is Christmas for Farm Nerds

Farm data galore – by county and state, as well as nationally. Every…

Most of California Groundwater Tables at All-time Lows, State Report Says

The biggest declines are in the San Joaquin Valley and in metropolitan Southern California.

Water, Sanitation, and Food Top South Sudan’s Concerns as Fighting Displaces Millions

The start of the rainy season adds logistical hurdles to the…