India Punjab Nawanshar Pam Sekhon Dhaliwal family farm farming farmer Green Revolution winter wheat rice paddies harvest crop cropland tractor poplar aspen electricity electric groundwater well pump flood irrigation water food energy choke point circle of blue wilson center j. carl ganter

Punjab’s Food Producers

Before the Green Revolution of the mid-1960s, growers in northern India produced an elegant feast of native fruits, grains, and vegetables. By the 1980s, Punjab and Haryana states had together become the largest rice and wheat producers in India.
India Chandigarh Punjab Irrigation Department K.S. Takshi groundwater recharge rate urbanization well pump reservoir canal surface water food energy choke point circle of blue wilson center j. carl ganter

Chandigarh, Shared Capital of Punjab and Haryana

Home to 1 million, Chandigarh is considered the 'cleanest city' in India. It also has the highest per capita income, thanks in large part to the agricultural boom since the Green Revolution of the 1960s in both Punjab and Haryana states of northern India.

Scarcity in a Time of Surplus: Free Water and Energy Cause Food Waste and Power Shortage in India

Farm policies intended to remove risk from the grain-producing economy have pulled India from the perennial fear of famine. But inefficient bureaucracy and rampant corruption also promote the squandering of resources and a glut of food that is not reaching the poor.

Western U.S. Water Utilities Take Financial Responsibility for Reducing Watershed Wildfire Risk

When residents in Santa Fe, New Mexico pay their water bills,…

Satellite Data Shows U.S. Water ‘Hotspots’

Scientists who use the GRACE satellite say they need more resources…

Behind the Scenes: Publishing the Global Choke Point eBook

Reporter Andrew Maddocks explains how a months-long labor of love came to digital fruition this week.

EPA Water Infrastructure Survey Reveals Little About Utilities’ Climate Readiness

Though few reported climate change adaptation projects to the…
India water food energy choke point infographic graphic data coal groundwater scarcity bureaucracy

Infographic: Water, Food, and Energy Choke Points in India

India's resource problems are not those of scarcity, but rather of inefficient use and bureaucratic policies.

Video: India — A Nation Heading Towards a Water-Food-Energy Choke Point

After spending a month in India, Circle of Blue's India team members debrief their findings.
Punjab irrigation water well electric pump farm farming wheat crop rice paddy water table aquifer electricity generation Choke Point India water food energy nexus Circle of Blue Wilson Center Punjab Title: Irrigation well in Punjab, India

Choke Point: India — The Leopard in the Well

Thanks in large part to the Green Revolution that catalyzed grain production in the mid-1960s, India ended the perennial fear of famine. But achieving food abundance has overwhelmed India's mammoth and unwieldy bureaucracy, drained its freshwater reserves, and strained the energy sector and electrical grid.

The Price of Water 2013: Up Nearly 7 Percent in Last Year in 30 Major U.S. Cities; 25 Percent Rise Since 2010

Utilities tinker with rate structures designed to stabilize revenue.