Report: UN Proposes a Common Definition for Water Security on World Water Day 2013

Water security should have a common language, and it should be a priority for global sustainable development goals, according to a new report by UN-Water.

Study: Shale Gas Fracking Taints Rivers in Pennsylvania

Though groundwater gets most of the attention, rivers are also affected by the rush of shale gas development across the United States, according to a new study that claims both wastewater and well development degrade water quality, but in different ways.
City of Detroit

Detroit’s Mayor and Water Board Endorse Plan for Independent Water Department

The water department could soon operate as an independent authority. The…
Music lovers congregate at Hart Plaza Fountain in downtown Detroit during the Movement Electronic MusMusic lovers congregate at Hart Plaza Fountain in downtown Detroit during the Movement Electronic Music Festival in May 2012.ic Festival in May 2012.

What an Emergency Manager Might Mean for Detroit’s Water Utility

There are many questions and few conclusions right now about…

Photo Slideshow: China’s Polluted Waters

Pollution is a major driver of water scarcity in China, especially in the places where economic growth is the highest and water resources are under the most stress — China’s dry northern breadbaskets and its biggest manufacturing hubs in the south and east.

Alaska Legislative Committee to Discuss Bulk Water Exports

On March 12, the Economic Development, Trade, and Tourism Committee will ask what the state can do to encourage exports of water in bulk shipments.

Report: New Sanitation Figures Compete with UN Statistics for Meeting Millennium Development Goals

Official United Nations figures claim that 2.5 billion people lack access to adequate sanitation. But new research from the University of North Carolina puts the total at more than 4.1 billion people.

Map: 30 Years of Trading Water in Australia

Learn more about the history of trading water in Australia's three markets in this infographic.

Q&A: Brian Richter and Frederick Kaufman on Market-based Water Pricing

Would giving water a price help to limit its demand or would this invite abuse against what the United Nations has called a basic human right? Circle of Blue spoke with Brian Richter, of The Nature Conservancy, and Frederick Kaufman, a journalism professor and an author, about their opposing viewpoints.

Peter Gleick: Climate Change, Snow and Ice, and Water Resources

One of the reasons that climate change is such a big issue is because the global climate is an integral part of the Earth’s entire ecosystem, tied to so many of the big and little things that society cares about.

Australia’s Water Markets Succeeding, Yet Severe Challenges Loom

Limited water supplies and competing agricultural, environmental, industrial, and municipal interests challenge Australia’s water-trading system.

National Integrated Drought Information System Threatened by Budget Uncertainty

Only 75 percent of allocated funds have been awarded since Congress created the drought-warning program seven years ago, and future funding remains unclear as NIDIS prepares for Capitol Hill on Thursday.