Map: China’s Provincial Water Resources and Use (2002-2010)

Click through the interactive infographic to see how China, the world’s largest nation and second-largest economy, faces multiple challenges for sustaining its water supply.

Report: Groundwater Pumping a Major Cause of Declining Water Storage in the Middle East

Satellite data shows the Tigris and Euphrates river basins are yet another example of how groundwater is being pumped at unsustainable rates across the world.
S.S. Superior at the Port of Chicago

Report: Water Levels Hit Record Lows in Two Great Lakes, Wildlife Struggles to Cope with Changing Climate

Drought and reduced winter ice cover are contributing to declining water levels in the Great Lakes. As lakes Michigan and Huron hit record lows, a new report outlines what changes like this could mean for the region’s flora and fauna.

Plan for Water Management in Australia’s Murray-Darling Basin Signed Into Law

The Australian House of Representatives passed the major initiative late last year, but some states are fighting back.

Water Is Both Friend & Foe: Down on Wheat, Argentina and Brazil Look Forward to Record Corn Harvests

As drought-ravaged corn supplies wear thin in the United States, global commodity markets are counting on favorable weather — and a big corn crop — in South America.

Report: Evaporation from California Irrigation Adds Enough Water to Colorado River to Supply 3 Million People

A new study says that cross-border evaporation can be added to the list of supply and policy problems that water and land managers in the arid Southwest US. should ponder.

Map: China’s Provincial Energy Production (1997-2010)

Click through the interactive infographic to see how China, the…
Damascus Syria food insecurity production scarcity fruit market stand war refugee

Food Security: Destroyed Agricultural Infrastructure Drops Production in Syria

Irrigation canals have been severely damaged, large poultry farms have been destroyed, and now close to 10 percent of Syrians who remained inside the country's borders are in need of food assistance — these are just a few of the side effects of the ongoing conflict in the war-torn country that will likely have ramifications on food security for years to come.
Keystone XL reroute map

Nebraska Farmers Dismayed by Governor’s Endorsement of New Oil Pipeline Route

Despite a new route, farmers still worry about groundwater contamination and property rights.

Toxic Water: Across Much of China, Huge Harvests Irrigated with Industrial and Agricultural Runoff

The dirty truth about the world’s largest grain producer.

Water and Ice: Winter Storms Another Trial for Syria’s Refugees

More than 600,000 Syrian refugees to Iraq, Jordan, and Lebanon faced a harsh onslaught of winter flooding and freezing temperatures last week. Those who have remained in the war-torn country are struggling to keep their taps running.

Report: Market-based Programs for Watershed Improvement Double Globally

China is the world leader for watershed payment programs. But in other regions, long-term funding and monitoring are challenges.