India, Choke Point India, groundwater, pumping, surface water, water reform, irrigation, agriculture, food production, rice paddy

Water News: What’s Ahead in 2013

Drought, water disputes, debates about energy development —…

Top 10 Water News Stories of 2012

Best-in-class reporting on the confrontation between water, food, and energy that influenced policy making in Asia, proved invaluable to university researchers in Europe, and informed citizens and the media in the United States and around the world.

2012 Was Hot, Dry and Energy-Shifty in the U.S.

The data confirm it. Last year broke records for temperature…

Amid Roaring Demand, A U.S. City Plans to Triple Water Rates for Oil and Gas Customers

The recent oil and gas boom in the United States has been good…

Report: Australian News Coverage Affects Public Acceptance of Policy and Science

Insufficient media coverage of the science behind water management…

Great Lakes Map Shows Greatest Ecosystem Stress in Lakes Erie and Ontario

Researchers hope the map is used to plan restoration projects…

Colombia vs. Nicaragua: Dispute Over Borders and Resources in the Caribbean

Photo © NASAQuitasueño Bank, San Adrés Archipelago, Caribbean…

Major Federal Study Sets Foundation for Colorado River Basin’s Future

Climate change and population growth will force the basin to…
China's Major Grains Map

Map: China’s Provincial Grain Production (1997-2010)

Click through the interactive infographic to see how China, the world’s largest nation and second-largest economy, has shifted its bread baskets to the north.

Western U.S. Governors Say Water Transfers Vital But Need to Protect Rural Economies

Better data is needed too. By Brett Walton, Circle of Blue The…

To Drought-proof City’s Water Supply, Sydney Proposes a Second Set of Pipes

Australia’s largest urban economy wants to build a parallel water system to deliver non-potable supplies.

China’s Water Reserves and World’s Warming Atmosphere Wait For Natural Gas Breakthrough

China’s deep shale reserves are treacherous to tap and slow to develop.