More People, More Problems — Water Challenges with Chinese Urbanization
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Recent reports reveal the nation's freshwater challenges and their possible solutions.
Top Global Businesses Report Water Risks, Assess Water Use
The Carbon Disclosure Project’s water risk survey is one of many reports and tools addressing corporate water management.
Businesses Get New Blueprint for Managing Water Risks
New guide from U.N. Global Compact’s CEO Water Mandate outlines how corporations can successfully engage in water policy and management.
Study: Overpumping Draws Down the World’s Groundwater Reserves
Groundwater depletion doubled between 1960 and 2000.
Cholera in Haiti — The Climate Connection
Researchers explain the correlation between environmental interactions and human health, as reported infections climb to 10,000 cases.
“Typical” Michigan Oil and Gas Lease Auction Casts Doubt on Collingwood Shale Formation
Earlier auction that set state records prompted projections of a new natural gas boom.
Infographic: Energy Used in the Water Cycle
At eight pounds per gallon, water is a heavy substance; especially when utilities move billions of gallons per day.
Giving Our Choke Point The Heimlich Maneuver
In the U.S. a fifth of all energy may be consumed by water, and the biggest use of water – 42% by some estimates – is for energy.
US Government Approves World’s Largest Solar Project
The Blythe solar plant is the sixth on public lands to get federal approval this month.
Looming Asian Water Crisis Requires Billions in Annual Improvements, ADB Says
The finance institution urges for more public-private partnerships.
Peter Gleick: The Human Right to Water, at Last
I've often daydreamed about what an alien civilization would think about Earth if it were ever to come visit.
Saudi Water Use ‘Growing Exponentially,’ Higher Prices Needed, Report Says
Agriculture is draining non-renewable groundwater reserves in the water-scarce country.