Peter Gleick: Time for a “Cash for Water Clunkers” Program

The international water expert proposes a plan to ensure the long-term sustainability of the United States’ water resources.

Peruvian Amazon Drops to 40-Year Low

Prolonged drought has impaired economic activity in the Amazon dependent northeastern part of Peru.

Steady Rains Deliver Needed Drink to Australia’s Murray-Darling

Southeastern Australia springs back to life after 10 years of thirst.

Egyptian Drinking Water Threatened by Nile Oil Spill

Water purification stations shut down to prevent polluted water from entering filters.

Water Demand is Flash Point in Dakota Oil Boom

Production from the Bakken Shale is projected to use up to 5.5 billion gallons of water annually.

Running Dry: One Man’s Journey to Raise Awareness About the Shrinking Colorado River

In 2008 journalist and photographer Jon Waterman spent five months traveling the Colorado River to understand the extent of its shrinking.

World Water Week 2010 Tackles Quality Issues

Canadian teen duo wins the prestigious Stockholm Junior Water Prize for their project on biodegredation.

U.S. Gains Carp Czar, Court Hears Testimony on the Invasive Fish

The newly appointed czar says he's undecided on separating the infested Mississippi and Illinois rivers from Lake Michigan.

World Bank Report Endorses Integrated Approach to Water Management

Rising population growth and food demand coupled with climate change will test World Bank’s water resource strategy

Coal Ash Contaminates Groundwater and Drinking Water Sites in 21 States, Study Finds

The EPA must do a better job of regulating the waste and protecting the nation’s water supply.

Scotland Advances Renewable Energy Development

The country's first minister says Scotland could become the 'world's first hydro-economy.'