EPA Announces Study to Re-Examine the Health Risks of Hydrofracking

States have begun implementing stricter standards for the controversial natural gas drilling process.

Q&A: Thomas Bjelkeman-Pettersson Connecting Aid and Water Online at Akvo.org

Bjelkeman-Pettersson talked to Circle of Blue during the Tällberg Rework the World Conference in Sweden about sharing information to change the global direction on water and sanitation issues.

UN Declares Access to Water and Sanitation a Human Right

While 122 of the 192 member states voted in favor of the resolution, the U.S. abstained.

UN to Vote on Declaring Water a Human Right

The United Nations General Assembly will begin debating, and possibly vote on, a contentious and historic right-to-water resolution today.

Michigan’s New Natural Gas Rush: Energy and Water in Play

Unprecedented mineral leasing could be big for energy production and hydraulic fracturing.

PlayPump not a Panacea for Africa’s Water Problems

A technology once heralded as a simple solution to Africa’s drinking water problem now stands as a broken, unused and poorly planned reminder of international water aid’s latest misstep.

China’s Oil Spill Threatens International Waters

The world's largest energy consuming country is plagued by potential ecological damage.

Secretary Clinton Announces Pakistan Water Program

U.S. aid projects focus on city water systems, clean drinking water, dam construction and irrigation.

Q&A: Mission Plastiki—Catching Wind, Storing Rain: David de Rothschild’s Quest for Pacific Plastic

Following the Plastiki's journey 11,000 miles through the Great Pacific Garbage Patch--a Texas-sized gyre of plastic litter.
Ugandans Return Home

Ugandans Return Home to a Demolished Water Infrastructure

More than 20 years of conflict in northern Uganda have led to an abandoned and destroyed water infrastructure, as most citizens lack access to sanitary drinking water.

Water Scarcity Constrains Food, Energy Security in Vietnam

As the Southeast Asian country battles with climate change, it looks to use less hydropower.