Southern Australian State Plans to Save Additional 5 Billion of Liters of Water

Australia Tackles water scarcity in New South Wales by funding projects such a recycled water for irrigation.

Blooming Controversy: What Is Killing the Wildlife in Kenya’s Lake Naivasha?

Drought, flower farms, and pesticides are damaging the already shallow lake.

Poland Endures Second Round of Flooding of the Vistula River

Only two of Poland's 16 regions remain untouched by floodwaters.

Drought in India Forces Talk of User Fees, Rainwater Harvesting

Fierce heat has allegedly killed dozens as country awaits arrival of monsoons.

India and Pakistan Dispute Water Use for Hydropower, Agriculture

India strives to redirect water, currently used for Pakistani agriculture, on the Kishanganga River for 330 megawatts.

Out of the Mainstream: Water Rights, Water Territories and the Politics of Scale and Identity

An excerpt from the introductory chapter of Out of the Mainstream: Water Rights, Politics and Identity, a book on the effect modern society has on water culture and indigenous communities

Q&A: David Getches on Water Rights for
Indigenous Cultures

"How modern society is affecting our water culture and the rights of indigenous communities."

Glacial Melt Could Cause Tidal Wave in Pakistan

A tidal wave, reaching up to 60 meters high, is expected to race through the Hunza valley of the Himalayas.

Heavy Rainfall Hampers Tea Markets in India and Sri Lanka

Severe weather impacts could compromise tea farming for two of the world's biggest players in the industry.

Where Energy Development Puts Rivers at Risk

American Rivers’ annual tally of threatened rivers highlights effects of drilling for natural gas.

First Inland Desalination Plant Opens in the UK

Located in East London’s Beckton, the Thames Water desalination plant is slated to be used during times of drought. But some local politicians argue that the facility is a waste of energy.

Investment in Ecosystem Restoration Brings Water, Land Benefits, UNEP Report Says

Protecting natural capital provides significant benefits at a fraction of the cost of restoring a degraded ecosystems.