Q&A: SustainAbility Survey Reveals Clean Water Shortages As Most Urgent Issue
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For 15 years SustainAbility and GlobeScan have polled global thought leaders about the planet's greatest sustainability challenges. The collaborating firms also release three "pulse" surveys based on three critical sustainability issues that most concern companies and their shareholders.
Taking the Pulse of Global Freshwater Issues
Circle of Blue on what’s happening and what will happen in the water world in 2010.
Peter Gleick: The Best Argument Against Global Warming
Climate deniers have yet to produce an alternative, scientific argument that come close to explaining the evidence around the world that the climate is changing.
Midwestern Cities Sue Chemical Company for Polluting Water Supply
A group of Midwestern communities and water districts has filed a federal lawsuit against Swiss corporation Syngenta AG and its American subsidiary
Drought in the Mekong Basin Hampers Southeast Asia Economy
One of the worst droughts in Southeast Asia in decades has lowered water levels in the Mekong River, cutting people off from the source of their livelihood and hampering the regional economy
Peter Gleick: Improving Water Infrastructure with Dam Building, but for Whose Benefit?
Whether, where, and how to build new dams: the old Western debate.
Video: California Farmers Can Save Water, Money
The water-scarce state can overhaul its agricultural water management by implementing clearer water targets, better economic incentives, and more direct communication systems, according to a Pacific Institute report.
Peter Gleick: Farm Water Success Stories
The Pacific Institute has just released a new report, California Farm Water Success Stories, including a separate video, describing a variety of different examples of innovation in California's agricultural sector showing the way toward more efficient water management and use.
California Farmers Can Save Water, Money, Says Pacific Institute Report
The water-scarce state can overhaul its agricultural water management by implementing clearer water targets, better economic incentives, and more direct communication systems, according to a Pacific Institute report
Clean Water Act Leaves Waterways Vulnerable to Pollution
As many as half of the nation’s largest water polluters might be exempt from the Clean Water Act’s requirements because Supreme Court decisions never clarified what waterways the act protects.
Millions of Tons of Ice Found at Moon’s North Pole
NASA announced yesterday that a moon probe discovered enough water on the north pole to potentially help generate oxygen or sustain a moon base.
Peter Gleick: Water Scofflaws — Go Soak your Heads (Under a Low-flow Showerhead)
After years of inaction, blatant and willful violations of federal law, and lack of enforcement by previous administrations, the U.S. Department of Energy has just announced that they intend to pursue enforcement actions against the manufacturers of water-using appliances that violate national water and energy savings laws that have been on the books for nearly 20 years.