Peter Gleick: Water for Haiti, Now

Information on the disaster in Haiti is only slowly coming out, but it is clear that the magnitude and extent of the catastrophe is vast, in a land seemingly cursed by endless environmental destruction.

New Bank Loans Revive Controversial Ilisu Dam Project in Turkey

The Turkish government plans to move forward with the dam despite international opposition.

Video: Invasion of the Asian Carp, from the Waterlife Documentary

New threat to the lakes reopens century-old legal battle over diversion of Great Lakes water, draws support from several states and Ontario.

Peter Gleick: Water, Climate Change, and International Security

It would be nice if water resources fell neatly into national political boundaries. It would be nice if countries that shared water resources cooperated more. It would be nice if climate change wasn't a growing threat to the stocks and flows of water around the world.

Bangladeshi Prime Minister Presses India for Water Deal During Visit

No agreement was signed, but Bangladesh continued to push for a deal similar to the Ganges Treaty.

Protecting the Future of Chicagoland’s Drinking Water

Chicagoland planners have drafted an ambitious plan to secure the region’s water supply through 2050, in the face of a booming population and its increased demand on the finite resource.

China’s Water: Circle of Blue, Wilson Center Panel & Exhibit Jan. 20

Join Circle of Blue, the China Environment Forum and Western Kentucky University for Hidden Waters, Dragons in the Deep, a special discussion and photography exhibit opening at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars on January 20 in Washington. Following the footsteps of centuries of scholarship within China, scientists around the world are studying China's complex karst landscape, working to empower local populations to gain access to water that flows in giant rivers unseen beneath the ground. Presented with support from USAID. RSVP here.

Asian Carp Knocking at the Great Lakes’ Door; Michigan Attorney General Seeks To Slam It Shut

New threat reopens century-old legal battle over diversion of Great Lakes.

Energy Department Blocks Disclosure of Road Map to Relieve Critical U.S. Energy-Water Choke Points

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Q&A: Solomon’s Water

Water weaves through history, giving rise to conflict, collapses and creation in civilizations. In his latest book, WATER: The Epic Struggle for Wealth, Power, and Civilization, economic journalist Steven Solomon examines the economic and social relationship between people and water.

Perspective: Sudan – Land of Water and Thirst; War and Peace

Circle of Blue introduces the first contributing column from Dr. Paul J. Sullivan, an expert on resource conflict in the Middle East and parts of Africa. In his first piece, Sullivan discusses the water crisis in one of the world's most spotlighted failing states -- Sudan.