Water Scarcity, Food Security Concerns Prompt Global Land Grab
Area nearly the size of France purchased, leased for food production around the world. Africa, South America, parts of Europe targeted by cash-rich, food-poor nations
“Food Security and Climate Change Are Deeply Interconnected,” UN Secretary-General Says
Farmers are hurt by erratic water supplies and underinvestment, according to summit speakers. Leaders weigh in on global agricultural investment during opening remarks of the FAO summit in Rome.
Nuclear Fallout: Nevada Takes Hard Look at Contaminated Groundwater From Historic Testing Grounds
Circle of Blue Links
Africa News
Southern Africa Water Wire IPS-hosted African…
Madagascar Cancels Water Deal with Saudi Arabia
Heart of Dryness: Water, Climate, and Energy
The second installment Climate Change Coping Strategies of excerpts from James G. Workman's Heart of Dryness
Peter Gleick: Water on the Moon
Peter Gleick: Giving Desalination Another Black Eye — Poseidon’s Financial Shell Game
Last week, I wrote about the demand by the Poseidon Group to receive two major public subsidies to build a private desalination plant at Carlsbad near San Diego. After years of claiming that they needed no public support to build this plant, this claim has finally been proven false. The private profits they need will only be possible with public subsidies.
Heart of Dryness: Climate Change Coping Strategies
Since the dawn of Homo sapiens in arid Africa, nine tenths of our evolution has unfolded as foragers. Only relatively recently did our species embark on agriculture, and recent events suggest certain limits to that extraordinary experiment. Exponential population growth has combined with unprecedented climate change until half the planet’s land surface can now be classified as drylands—arid landscapes inhabited by a third of humankind.
Video: James G. Workman Discusses the Water and Climate Issues that Haunt Botswana’s Bushmen
The video above and corresponding transcript below are a Q&A author James G. Workman did with the book's publishers, Walker & Company.
Peter Gleick: California Water Bills. Is the New Water Legislation Better than Nothing?
A lot of people have asked me my opinion about the new water legislation just passed in Sacramento. Here is a longer version of my piece in the New York Times Bay Area blog page