Water Issues Dividing and Challenging the U.S.
With floods across the Midwest, droughts along the Southwest, and legal skirmishes in the West and South—water issues are dividing the United States and challenging its citizens like never before. As first reported by Circle of Blue in July 2008, increasing competition for diminishing water supplies is driving the United States into an era of water scarcity.
Georgia and Tennessee: 200 Years of a Tennessee River Toss-up
Australia’s Adelaide: A Lesson for Urban Centers Facing the Global Water Crisis
Australia’s fifth-largest city, Adelaide, could see its 1.3 million inhabitants relying more and more on bottled water over the next year, according to local politicians. Mounting consequences of climate change and sluggish national political action have led to high salinity levels and depletion of wildlife along the River Murray.
America’s Water Supply: Scarcity Becoming Endemic
Americans have good reason to be concerned about the future of the nation’s supply of clean fresh water, according to state and federal research and resource agencies.
Alabama, Florida and Georgia: A Tri-State Tug-of-War for Lake Lanier
Congress solidifies a federal judge's ruling to settle a 20-year-old dispute.
Nevada and Utah: Desert Aquifer Dispute in Snake Valley
North vs. South: Carolinas in Supreme Court Battle for Catawba River
The Catawba River is used by more than 30 cities and 17 counties for industry and drinking.
Mississippi vs. Tennessee: Billion-dollar Supreme Court Question, “Is Memphis Stealing Water?”
London on Tap: Reducing Bottled Water Consumption
London authorities have paired up with Thames Water, Britain’s…
Peter Gleick: Safe Water During Disasters: Preparing Better for the Inevitable
Disasters happen. Earthquakes, cyclones, hurricanes, tsunamis,…
Visioning Flowing Waters, From Laos to Cambodia
Mouth to Source brings remote locations along the Mekong River to life