Solar Power Plants Drain Desert Waters

The push for renewable energy through low-carbon alternatives could further compromise water resources

Peter Gleick: The Kids Are Right: Turn off the Tap When You Brush Your Teeth

How to Save WaterOne of the key solutions to our water problems is to use the water we have more efficiently.

Brett Walton: Reporter

Brett writes about agriculture, energy, infrastructure, and the…

Fresh Water Crisis Seen at Top of Clinton Global Initiative Priorities

Barack Obama speaks at the Clinton Global InitiativeFollowing Clinton's opening remarks Tuesday, Damon and co-founder and director Gary White stepped onto the main stage with their commitment to provide clean water to 50,000 people in Haiti over three years. It was the first of many moments when the fresh water crisis influenced the week's discussions.

Map: Oil Pipelines and Vegetation in the Niger Delta

Nigeria has been pumping vast amounts of oil since the 1950s. This map shows the oil fields, pipelines, and terminals in relation to the Niger Delta's main cities and its differing types of vegetation, from swamplands to rainforests.

Infographic: Oil and Water in the Niger Delta

Despite an estimated $US 600 billion in Nigerian oil revenue since its discovery in 1956, wealth does not trickle downstream, as many villages in the Niger Delta lack electricity and running water.

War on Water: A Clash Over Oil, Power and Poverty in the Niger Delta

Thousands Search for Fresh Water, Food in a Monumentally Contaminated War Zone

Corporate Corruption Drains Capital, Global Report Finds

 corruption has led to dire consequences as diverse as water shortages, exploitative work conditions and unsafe medicines.Corporate corruption has led to dire consequences as diverse as water shortages, exploitative work conditions and unsafe medicines, according to a just-released report by Transparency International (TI), a global non-profit aimed at exposing and preventing corruption.

Rash of Water Main Breaks Points to Vulnerability of Systems

Major water main breaks in recent days highlight challenges to the U.S. water infrastructure system.Major water main breaks in Los Angeles and Baltimore in recent days highlight challenges to the U.S. water infrastructure system.

Keeping an Eye on Water From Space

Images Courtesy NASA Satellites are increasingly being tasked with keeping an eye on the planet’s fresh water supplies, giving scientists and governments new tools to track how water is used, who is using it, and how to better manage the fragile resource. Some of the results are alarming.

Ed Kashi: Oil and Conflict in the Niger Delta

Circle of Blue reporter Aubrey Parker spoke with Ed Kashi. He is a photojournalist for National Geographic.