WaterViews | United States | Slide Show

Images by Brent Stirton / Reportage by Getty Images for Circle of Blue.

Peter Gleick: ‘Drought Impacts on Unemployment Are Grossly Overstated’

Thus concludes a new comprehensive assessment of the impacts of the drought on Central Valley unemployment.

WWF Report Scrutinizes Germany’s Water Consumption

marketmunich A new report shows that half of Germany’s water consumption comes from virtual water.

Drought-resistant Rice Reaps Success in India

A new variety of rice might prepare India's agriculture for a drier future.

Portents of Precipitation: New Atlas Predicts the Rain

stormclouds Researchers from the Australian National Universities (ANU) have created an unprecedented visual atlas of global rainfall projections over the next century.

African States Fail to Agree on Nile River Allocations

nileriver Last week, the water ministers of the nine Nile River Basin countries postponed the signing of a new water-sharing treaty that has already flamed up diplomatic tensions between upstream and downstream nations in the region.

Sugar Futures Up, as Drought in India Threatens Supplies

The price rose to a three-year high of 19.4 cents per-pound.

Peter Gleick: Whose Water Is It? Water Rights in the Age of Scarcity

riversbranch Who "owns" what water? Or, if water belongs to the public, who has the right to use it?

Infographic: Top 10 Deepest Freshwater Lakes in the World

craterlake In which freshwater body can you scuba dive down more than 5,350 ft (1.63 km)? Which deep African lake was more freshwater fish species than an other lake in the world?

Lowest Rainfalls in Over Two Decades Leave India’s Largest State Unplanted

Monsoon rainfall is the lowest in over 20 years.