Interstellar H20: Discovering the Origins of Water in the Universe

The European Space Agency's Herschel Space Observatory Will Search for the Answers to Star Formation, Water Creation and More

Corruption and Cartels Drain Nairobi’s Water

nairobi With a dry season already bringing Kenya's water reservoirs to the brink, the severely limited water supplies of Nairobi are now also being illegally diverted on their way to the taps of millions.

Tropical Rains Moving North, Away from Tropics

monsoon A migrating rain band near the equator is en route to profoundly change the weather as it heads north away from the tropics and subtropics.

Sri Lanka Fights Dengue Outbreak and Stagnant Water

Facing a dengue outbreak, the government of Sri Lanka is trying…

Aussie Town Bans Bottled Water

nsw_highlands In the remote picturesque Southern Highlands of Australia, a small town leads by water example.

Peter Gleick: Bottled Water Labels With No Useful Information

label Today, the U.S. Congress held a hearing on bottled water in the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee.

The Forgotten South Caucasus: Where Oil and Water Mix

A “New Great Game” of Geopolitical Control Surfaces in Russia’s Old Backyard

Peter Gleick: Wake Up, Here is What a Real Water Crisis Looks Like

aus_itrained California is in the midst of an ugly debate about water--uglier than normal--because of a confluence of events, including a "hydrologic" drought caused by nature

Despite Historic, Ecological and International Concerns, Turkey Vows Dam Construction

Turkey’s government announced Wednesday its plans to continue the construction of the controversial Ilisu hydroelectric dam in the underdeveloped southeastern Anatolia.

Dry Spell Weakens Kenya’s Hydropower

Amid prolonged drought and rising electricity demands, Kenya is struggling to maintain its power supply.

Peter Gleick: Truth Drought, California’s Real Shortfall

central_valley Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar came to California on Sunday to hear firsthand about California's drought.