Google Brings Water Data to Life
New Collaboration Tool Allows for Seamless Integration of Water Data from Around the World
Peter Gleick: Is Some California Water Use Unconstitutional?
As of now, Sacramento has some new rules about water use.
South Korea’s ‘Green New Deal’ — A Focus on Water
With the prospect of impending water shortages hot on South Korea’s heels, Seoul is reaching into its pocketbook for better water infrastructure.
Peter Gleick: The Number of New Dams Built in California is Not Zero
Californians love (or hate) to fight about water in part because there are no easy solutions left.
More Water for Fish, NOAA Declares
In an 800-page report, federal officials issued a dire prediction for California’s salmon -- they’re just about out of water. The only solution: cut water usage in the Central Valley.
Fire Hot, Sky Blue, Australia’s Dire Drought Tests Journalists
A Struggle to Tell a Story Everyone Seems to Know