HotSpots H2O: Unusually Powerful ‘Atmospheric River’ Pummels British Columbia and Pacific Northwest
This summer’s heat wave and wildfires weakened the landscape’s ability to absorb rainfall, further contributing to the destruction.
Speaking of Water: “How Do We Consider Mass Resettlement Of The World Population?” With Parag Khanna
HotSpots H2O: In Afghanistan, Political Upheaval Aggravates Drought-Fueled Famine
Drought, a financial crisis, and political collapse are accelerating the country’s decline into all-out famine.
Reduce Flooding From Backed up Sewers? There’s an App for That
A group of researchers is helping cities use their current systems better.
Households Still Have Not Received Aid from New Federal Water Bill Assistance Program
A new federal assistance program is slow to launch.
HotSpots H2O: World Spending on Climate Adaptation Must Increase Five- or Tenfold
While climate adaptation planning is more widespread than ever, the U.N. says the gap between current spending and needed funding is enormous, and widening.
2021 Election Recap: New York Voters Approve Clean Water Constitutional Amendment
High-profile water-related issues were also on the ballot in Maine, Boise, and Virginia Beach.
Climate Change Grips Trout Streams Across the Nation:
Across the country, anglers have watched as droughts, floods, and high temperatures batter the rivers they depend on.