HotSpots H2O: New Report Urges Policymakers to ‘Wake Up to the Looming Water Crisis’

Current rates of progress on water, sanitation, and hygiene would need to quadruple to meet UN targets.

Water Groups Lauded a Side Agreement at the Paris Climate Conference. Then It Languished.

The fate of the Paris Pact reveals the difficulties in incorporating water into global climate agreements.

HotSpots H2O: Years-Long Drought Pushes Brazil to the Brink

The country’s worst drought in nearly a century is choking commerce, threatening ecosystems, and diminishing hydroelectric power generation.

As Drought Grips American West, Irrigation Becomes Selling Point for Michigan

Michigan farmers irrigate with 187 billion gallons of groundwater a year. Is the state prepared for more?

In Climate Talks, Plans to Keep Planet from Overheating Should Not Ignore Water

Carbon-reduction plans, if not well designed, can worsen water scarcity and pollution.

Toxin Levels Spike, Prompting Drinking Water Emergency in Northern California

Cyanotoxins in the state’s second-largest freshwater lake soared this month amid a hot, dry summer.

The Town that Flood-Proofed Itself

Ottawa, Illinois learned how to keep its residents out of harms way. But on the river’s edge, safety has often required sacrifice.

‘The Opportunity Is Now’: Water Advocates View Upcoming UN Climate Conference as Moment of Relevance

Water was overlooked in past global climate talks. Advocates are focusing on the Glasgow meeting to highlight water’s indispensable climate role.

‘Eyes in the Sky’ Help Police California Water Use

Satellite data is one monitoring tool regulators turn to in this very dry year.

Amid Extreme Heat and Drought, Line 3 Pipeline Construction Puts Water At Risk

State agencies insist — though scientists and indigenous leaders furiously disagree — that waterways won’t be affected.